Selwyn residential care facility uses Gilt Edge Seamless Flooring System
Challenge: To assist Klein Architects in developing a Gilt Edge Seamless Flooring Specification for the new 5,500m2 Selwyn Residential Care Facility in Pt Chevalier, Auckland, using Gilt Edge’s Masterspec Sections, with a focus on eliminating high moisture issues in the sub floor, and ensuring full system compatibility.
Solution: GEIL Technical Consultant Ian Williams developed all associated Masterspec Specification Sections with the architect, which included:
- Protect Crete application at time of pour to cure, densify and moisture control the slab (see application by the Contractors Concrete Specialist Ltd).
- UZIN Levelling Systems for floor preparation of all selected top flooring categories. •GEIL specialist adhesives, transitions and nosings for all top flooring categories installation.
Result: Klein Architects were able to save time and gain key technical specification expertise at no cost. As the project progresses GEIL assist the project managers, lead architects and flooring contractors with technical on-site advice resulting in a quality installation for all stakeholders in the project.